Hello SWMHRA Members,
Below are results of the 2021 Member Survey. We conduct this survey annually to gauge member experiences/expectations and to drive our planning for the upcoming year.
As we do each year, here is a highlight of the overall benefits of SWMHRA:
- We are the only HR Association in town that does not charge for meetings and membership.
- SWMHRA membership includes access to our website (swmhra.org), discussion forum, regular events, job board, free information, networking and referrals.
- Another distinguishing factor of SWMHRA is that we are local and our membership is exclusively Corporate HR. Our lack of vendors means more freedom for our members to be collaborative from an HR-to-HR standpoint.
- In the past year, outstanding speakers have presented a variety of HR related topics such as: legal updates, benefits/wellness, HR metrics, compensation, change management, talent acquisition, retention challenges, employee relations issues and more. Our free meetings allow members to learn, discuss and be updated on the latest in HR. SWMHRA Members can refer to our Annual Meeting hand-out to get a complete overview of all our 2020- 2021 speakers and meeting topics.
- Many SWMHRA members have connected to new job opportunities by attending meetings, receiving job board notices, or through referrals/networking.
- As part of the above, SWMHRA posts HR (and other) job opportunities on our website at no cost which helps people find jobs and assists member companies in sourcing candidates.
- The majority (over 65%) of our members are HR Managers, Directors and VPs. This makes for great networking!
- Annually, we conduct a Member Survey to find out what our members need. They identify and communicate important suggestions on ways to meet their day-to-day HR challenges.
- Overall, we offer professional and personal development – ideas, knowledge, resources and networking opportunities which support and improve the Human Resources role within organizations.
As an organization, SWMHRA goals are to:
- Provide quality educational programs through SWMHRA meetings
- Offer camaraderie and networking opportunities
- Help members with day-to-day HR issues
- Allow access to resources (SWMHRA website, member directory, discussion forum, events/meetings, etc.)
- Promote the value and importance of the HR profession.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s survey!
Results of the 2021 Member Survey
How long have you been a member of the Southwest Metro Human Resources Association?
In general, please rate how well these aspects of SWMHRA currently meet your needs:
In your opinion, how would you like meetings to take place in the future?
What are the biggest day-to-day challenges you face in your current HR role? Here are the top 5 responses:
- So much to do, so little time (Time Management)
- Recruitment/Retention
- Staying Current
- Employee Relations
- Upper Management
What training has your Human Resources Department conducted within the last year? (Top 5 listed)
- Pandemic Training/Education
- Safety Training/Emergency Action Plan
- Anti-Harassment
- Performance Management
- Diversity and Inclusion
The overall topics our members have requested to see as possible SWMHRA events are:
- Emerging Issues in HR
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Recruiting/Staffing Strategies
- TIE: Best Practices in HR and Retention Strategies
- TIE: Employment Best Practices and Succession Planning
What is your main reason for being a member of SWMHRA?
- Staying current
- Networking
- Education
Note: The additional questions on the survey included detailed personal opinion information, Speaker suggestions, etc. Those answers are not included here. If you are a SWMHRA member and have questions regarding this survey, please contact us at administrator@swmhra.org.
Thank you to all SWMHRA members who took time to complete the survey!
SWMHRA Steering Team