February- Thinking Strategically About Leadership Development


February 8, 2024    
8:00 am – 10:00 am


Bookings closed


NAME: Rick Rittmaster
TITLE: VP of Consulting
PHONE (CELL): 952-270-9699
EMAIL: rrittmaster@cortalent.com
WEBSITE: cortalent.com  


Good leadership is defined by building strong teams and driving results. But how a leader builds teams and drives results changes significantly throughout one’s career. It’s critical that leaders can identify the skills needed today and anticipate which skills will drive results in the future. This talk will highlight the different stages of leadership, how to pinpoint where you are in the journey, and how to accelerate your skills to advance as a leader.


Rick Rittmaster is a leadership and talent development expert and leads the Consulting practice at CorTalent. He has over a decade of experience working in large enterprises (Starkey Hearing Technologies, MTS Systems, UnitedHealth Group) and currently partners with CEOs and executives in small to medium sized growing businesses.  He also co-founded Groveland Leadership which provides leadership development to new and aspiring leaders.  Rick has consults on leadership and organizational effectiveness, innovation strategy, change leadership, and employee engagement and culture. 

Date:  Thursday, February 8, 2024 (This is a Webex meeting)

Time:  7:55-8:00 A.M. Members Log in or Call in to the WebEx 8:00-9:30 A.M. Meeting and 9:30-10:00 A.M. Optional Roundtable

Call-In: A Webex meeting invite will be emailed to those who have registered

To Register:  Log into www.swmhra.org and click “Events”. Note: You must be a SWMHRA member to attend


You MUST include the following information for all attendees to ensure your spot is reserved:

  • Is the attendee a member of SWMHRA or a guest?
  • The name of the member or guest.
  • The employer of the member or guest.
  • The job title of the member or guest.

Note that we do not allow HR vendors or consultants to attend meetings.


This event is fully booked.